My avatar that I use most places online is named Tau Qwarq. He's a fox boy (his race is called Vulpa, one of the results of transhumanist genetic modifications in the 2300s) roboticist that lives with his parents on the Kraithong colony in the Chalawan system. He was born in 2827 and is currently 25 standard years old (a standard year is just an Earth year). He's 148 cm tall, or 160 cm if you include his ears.
His most identifying features are his cybernetic arms. He was born with essentially no arms and was fitted for prosthetics from a very young age. That, and his parents being roboticists/cyberneticists themselves lead him to take an early interest in the subjects. He currently holds masters degrees in robotics and cybernetics as well as bachelors degrees in computer engineering and mechanical engineering. For his masters thesis in cybernetics, he designed and built his current set of arms. He's currently pursuing his PhD in robotics.
Tau is a giant nerd. He loves reading scientific papers and reading academic textbooks, but he's also a (lowercase g) gamer that loves a good puzzle or deep story. He's asexual and a "cis" boy. He calls himself cis, but it's more out of convenience because it's more like gender agnostic. He's very aware of gender stuff, but he just doesn't relate it to himself. He just does his own thing and doesn't look back. He usually wears the bright red scarf that his grandmother gave him at age 8, and generally dresses pretty modestly - he'll usually wear leggings with shorts, for example.
He also often helps out with his parents' business, called Qwarq Robotics. It's a very small business - only about 10 employees - that designs and builds custom industrial robots or prosthetics. Nearly two thirds of their orders come from outside the system, and commercial shipping is rather slow considering the small size of the colony, so they often make deliveries themselves, or at least ship them from a more active hub. A few years ago Tau managed to get his pilots license so that he could make deliveries on his own using the company's small ship.

The colony is on the moon Kraithong, a relatively large rocky moon (about 75% of Earth's gravity on the surface) in orbit around Taphaothong. Taphaothong is a gas giant in the Chalawan system that orbits a little outside of the star's habitable zone. It has an unusually high albedo though, so the light reflected by Taphaothong is able to make Kraithong much more habitable, with an average surface temp of about -5 C. Still pretty cold, but bearable. The colony was originally established about 100 years ago when it was discovered Taphaothong had an unusually high concentration of metallic compounds in its atmosphere, particularly mercury, cesium and indium. Harvesting them has made the colony pretty wealthy for its size.
Chalawan and Taphaothong are actually real and are about 45 lightyears from Earth. I may have scoured a database of exoplanets for more than an hour looking for one that fit my criteria.